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2014 Southern Kentucky Bible Conference


The first ever Southern Kentucky Baptist Bible Conference was a great success!  It was held February 16-20, 2014 Sunday night - Thursday night, with two preachers a night, plus two on Monday afternoon.  The conference was sponsored by the Bellview (Todd County, pastored by Bro. Rodney Skipworth), Sharon Grove (Todd County, pastored by Bro. Chris Skipworth) and Shiloh Baptist churches (Christian County, pastored by Bro. Roger Skipworth).  The conference was hosted by the Bellview Baptist Church and each night the sanctuary was full.  Numerous preachers and church members from the area were in attendance each night.  Bro. James Shutt was one of the preachers and he said it was the best first year Bible Conference he had ever attended and was amazed at all the support the conference got from area Baptist churches.  


This year the theme was "Baptist Identity."  Many messages were preached on this and other important subjects.  All the messages were very well received.  Also over 1,300 CD copies of these messages have been produced and handed out.  These are available for a small gift of $5 to cover the postage.  You can see an entire list of the sermons titles here.


In addition, much sound Baptist literature was distributed through the book room.  These included such good books as Joe T. Odle's "Church Member's Handbook," J.M. Carroll's "Trail of Blood," Boyce Taylor's "Why Be a Baptist," C.D. Cole" Definitions of Doctrine," Charles Blair's "Church on the Rock," V.I. Master's "Re-thinking Baptist Doctrine," and many more.    I believe the messages and these materials will help the Baptist Churches in western Kentucky have a much better understanding of Baptist distinctives and doctrine.

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