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About us




Our Mission


Our mission is to increase the knowledge of the believers in the Word of God, to extend an invitation to every person to be saved and to pray for revival in Baptist Churches across America.


Why Have a Bible Conference?

#1 - To Hear Good Preaching. The best reason to have a Bible Conference is to hear good Bible preaching. This preaching will not only challenge us, but will also encourage us in the "faith once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3) It is our prayer the Bible Conference messages will make our churches strong in our doctrinal convictions.


#2 - To Be Introduced to Other Baptist Preachers. It is always refreshing to hear other solid Baptist pastors preach. Sometimes congregations wonder if there are any doctrinally sound preachers left today. Having a Bible Conference demonstrates that there are still plenty of conservative Southern Missionary Baptist preachers left in western Kentucky.


#3 - It is a Historic Baptist Practice. Before anyone says, "We've never done that before," they need to remember that it was once very common for Baptist churches to hold yearly Bible Conferences or "Bible Institutes" as they were then called.  For example in 1924 the Harrodsburg (KY) Baptist Church held a 5 day Bible Institute which featured 9 different men preaching on 30 biblical and theological topics. (This can be read online Here). The lack of Bible Conferences today is one of the key reasons so many Baptist churches have changed their doctrinal beliefs.



"I meet with my brethren in the ministry who are able to preach day after day, day after day, and are not half so fatigued as they were; and I saw a brother minister this week who has been having meetings in his church every day, and the people have been so earnest that they will keep him very often from six o'clock in the evening to two in the morning. 'Oh!' Said one of his members, 'our minister will kill himself.' 'Not he,' said I, 'that is the kind of work that will kill no man. It is preaching to a sleepy congregation that kills good ministers, but not preaching to earnest people.' "
-C. H. Spurgeon

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